Investor Overview

A unique Global Position to Create Value

Best Brand Portfolio

Multiple brands with more than $1 billion in revenue


Launched 100+ Products in 2023

Best Cost Takeout

~$500 million of fixed cost take out (2019-2023)

Strong Regional Footprint

Net Sales by Region (2023)

MDA North America
MDA Latin America
MDA Europe, Middle East & Africa
MDA Asia
Small Domestic Appliances Global
5% Asia, 17% Latin America, 18% Europe, Middle East, and Africa, and 55% North America
MDA: Major Domestic Appliances

Financial Performance*

$19.5B Sales

(2023, As Reported)

Solid revenue delivery

$366M Free Cash Flow

(2023, As Reported)

6.1% EBIT

(2023 Ongoing, As Reported)

Focused plans to expand margins

0.5% TSR


Annualized Total Shareholder Return

Performance Image

2026 Value Creation Goals

Long Term Images

~$17.2BNet sales target

~9%Ongoing EBIT margin

~7%FCF as % of net sales

9-11%Return on invested capital

Balanced Capital Deployment & Consistent Return to Shareholders


Capex as % of Net


ROIC Threshold on Aquisitions

Invested $5.0B

in our business (2019-2023)


Target Dividend
Payout Ratio


Share Repurchase Authorization**

Returned $3.9B

to shareholders (2019-2023)

Ongoing Earnings per Share*4% CAGR from 2014 to 2023

*For more information, see Supplemental Information

** $2.6B available as of 12/31/23